How to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight - Perfect Weight Loss Guide 2020
How to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight
As long as humans have been eating, Some humans have been limiting what they eat in order to get in shape or stay there and the most obvious target for dieting is our body’s main fuel source carbohydrates
We process some of the food we eat for glycogen and glucose to keep our bodies moving and our body has a built-in mechanism to store access energy.
Important Energy Source Fat Carbs
Fat cells no-carb diets bring quick results (as you keep training) but, there is a problem, once you start eating carbs again. Odds are you will put a lot of that weight right back on your body and that will suddenly start having extra fuel again and those particular carbs will store that fuel as fat.
And even, if you could go without eating carbs for the rest of your life and you really shouldn’t that’s not a healthy way to maintain a balanced body chemistry.
Cutting Carbs Cause Hypoglycemia Problem
Cutting out carbs entirely causes a condition called hypoglycemia which can produce feelings of:
- Hunger
- Shakiness
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Difficulty
- Speaking
- Anxiety.
Low Carbs Diet Create Ketosis Condition

If your body goes into ketosis it starts burning reserves of fat for energy. This will help you shed the pounds, but could also cause:
- Mental fatigue
- Bad breath
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Painful Swelling in your joints
- And even kidney stones
Healthy dieting is about what you eat and how much and it’s more of a lifestyle change than a crash course. If you’re looking to drop a few pounds and keep them off.
Then, You’ll want to combine a sustainable calorie deficit with the healthy balance of:
- protein
- Fat
- Carbs
To make the process healthy and safe.
There are products that contain the necessary amounts of complex carbohydrates, fibre and vitamins. Which help us feel full for longer without requiring us to eat.
let’s look at some key information about carbs from nutritionists.
We’ll also look at a list of tasty foods that will help you diet safely and get rid of that excess weight, Once and for all and keep it off carbohydrates and weight loss.
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Importance Of Carbs (Metabolizing Fat)

The most important thing to remember about carbs is that they provide us with energy. They are our body’s main fuel source and they are key to metabolizing fat and protein at the same time
Carbohydrates are usually accused of contributing to weight gain is this true, the answer is it depends by the structure
Carbohydrates are divided into two types of complex carbs contain:
- Starch
- Fibre
- Pectin
- Glycogen.
Why We Gain Weight

Below are the following points that which highlight element of carbs:
- They include bread beans cereals pasta potatoes vegetables and nuts.
- They’re slow digesting and make us feel full starch plus fibre
- They improve the work of the intestines and maintain gut flora fibre, they reduce water retention fibre
- They support the gastric mucosa and improve digestion pectin
- They help with muscle growth, glycogen
- They tend to be better for you simple carbs contain glucose-fructose galactose sucrose and maltose
- They include fruit milk sweets pastries beer and most fast food
- They cause blood sugar swings they give you more energy they tend to be less good for you
- when your glucose level increases the pancreas starts producing insulin, the more carbs we eat the higher our insulin level is.
Complex carbs take longer to process giving your body a chance to release insulin gradually simple carbs
On the other hand, release their glucose much faster leading to insulin swings and an urge to eat more. If you eat more simple carbs then, the process repeats itself and so on in a vicious cycle.
If most of the carbs you eat are simple carbs that will provoke a rapid insulin level increase. It doesn’t allow your body to digest fats and that’s why we gain weight a sustained insulin spike.

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Reaction of Carbohydrate, Increase Weight
The reaction can also lead to diabetes, where the body doesn’t produce insulin properly don’t worry. This doesn’t mean you have to quit simple carbs your diet just needs to be balanced.
If you’re looking to lose weight when you eat carbs you should opt for mostly complex carbs.
Seven complex carbs you should eat the following sources of complex carbs are good healthy additions to your diet. But, hang on this is not a license to eat these things all the time eating all carbs.
what you need to support your level of activity and exercise regimen going on a diet before and during a regimen of restricting. The foods you eat, consult a licensed nutritionist and your doctor.
Number seven chickpeas a type of legume that includes:
- Bengal gram
- Garbanzo Bean
- Egyptian pea
1. Chickpeas

It contains protein and lots of irreplaceable amino acids, responsible for proper metabolism. They also give you a good hit of fibre which slows digestion to a healthy pace and helps control the amount of food we eat.
- Chickpeas go perfectly with:
- Vegetable
- Soups
- Spices
- Olive oil
Hummus, an iconic Middle Eastern dish, is made of mashed chickpeas try stir-frying them in a little oil and cumin to add to salads or as a taco filling for weight loss.
Nutritionists recommend, replacing products high in saturated fats with chickpeas.
2. Corn

The protein and vitamins contained in corn help us on an extreme level to get.
- Healthy skin
- Healthy fibre
- Hair
- Nails
And also, contribute to fat burning and have fibre to stimulate the work of the intestines
An Interesting fact
If you mix corn with beans, you can make your weight loss process more effective and that only because both products contain resistant starch.
This is a carb that dodges digestion releasing glucose only, when it reaches the large intestine thereby improving metabolism.
HFCS which is essentially processed sugar. HFCS eliminates most of the vitamins and fibre you’d ordinarily find in corn, if you’re looking to eat healthfully it’s best to minimize or avoid these products altogether
3. Pasta

When you’re going to eat pasta make sure, it’s whole-grain pasta. Whole-wheat pasta is your best bet, white or enriched pasta has some of the nutritional value, but it can’t match the whole wheat much healthier profile using whole-grain pasta can be an easy and delicious substitution in your regular diet whole-grain
Generally, pasta contains complex carbs which supply us with energy and clean our body of toxins.
Studies have shown that three daily servings of whole grains such as half a cup of cooked whole-wheat pasta,
One serving can reduce the risk of several health conditions including:
- Cancer
- Type-2 diabetes
- Cardiovascular
- Digestive disease
If you have, sensitivity to wheat or you have to eat gluten-free, you’ll want to look for other options pasta perfectly combine with vegetables,
And make sure, you cook it al dente pasta and that is cooked to be firm, to the bite as boiling breaks down. The glycogen structures giving al dente pasta, a lower glycemic index than pasta cooked until it’s soft.
4. Green Beans

Beans and asparagus, we’ve all heard how important it is to eat your vegetables and it’s absolutely true veggies provide good fuel, lots of fibre and all kinds of nutritional benefits.
Here’s a couple of the best green beans contain potassium which strengthens muscle and normalizes the work of the intestines,
Green beans are a special gift for people who don’t eat meat because they contain a huge amount of plant-based protein, this low-calorie food is really popular as a weight-loss option because of its nourishing properties that make us feel fuller longer asparagus possesses
Health Benefits Of Green
The same benefits it contains:
- Fibre
- Vitamins
- Lower high blood pressure
- Cleans out toxins
- Stimulates, the work of the heart try it steamed with a little olive oil
5. Mushrooms

They are among the world’s most amazing organisms, thriving under inhospitable conditions and converting, what we consider trash into healthy nutrition
They’re fantastic for dieters because although mushrooms are very nourishing and will keep you full. They don’t contain many calories
Nutritional Benefits
- Champignons only contains 27 calories
- Fried champignons average about 50 calories
- Amino acids
- Phosphorus
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Vitamins B C and D
And That what makes mushrooms a very healthy. Their fibre and protein let us satisfy our hunger faster, but there are even special mushroom diets also you may try.
6. Rice

Rice is, healthy and a nutritionally dense source of energy for the body. It is an aquatic grass lasagna Aquatica and grows primarily in North America wild
Rice contains a small number of calories and a huge amount of fibre, protein, tryptophan and amino acid. That serves as a natural sedative tryptophan is the same thing you get in.
Thanks to turkey, this rice with nutty flavours enrich our bodies really quickly
It’s recommended to eat wild rice. If you can’t get your hands on wild rice go for brown rice avoid white rice whenever possible just like with pasta.
The bleaching and refining process strips a lot of the nutrients and fibre until you’re essentially eating empty calories.
7. Potatoes Diet

Potatoes diet, biologists disagree about whether potatoes are really healthy, some researchers have found that they’re beneficial in weight loss or point out that potatoes contain less starch than pasta and some cereals, but plenty of nutritionists steer clear of such a dense source of carbs.
The way you cook potatoes makes a huge difference boiling potatoes or baking them with vegetables and a little olive oil preserves, their useful elements and frying potatoes like french fries or tater tots break down their nutritional value and attaches a huge amount of saturated fat.
Not what you’re looking for when you’re trying to lose weight try to cut down on eating butter and meat with your potatoes especially fried ones and choose healthier potato recipes
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