Apple Benefits - Disease Cure By Apple - Nutrition Of Apple
Apple Benefits, Uses and Side Effects Of Apple
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We all have been hearing this saying since childhood and what is wrong with it. Whenever there is talk of fruits for health, the first name often comes from apple.
It contains almost all those nutritious ingredients, which are considered beneficial for our overall health.
In this article of Daulat Hussain Fitness Community, we will discuss the information of apple in detail. In this article, you will learn about the benefits and disadvantages of apple. Also, we will tell you how it can be used to reap the benefits of apple.
So let’s started, with te benefits of apple
Benefits of Apple
Talking about the benefits and properties of apple, it is considered as a store of nutrients. Apple has the ability to treat normal to severe physical problems. The properties of apples can protect you from
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Asthma
- Cancer
It also has anti-oxidant effects, which work to keep the body healthy by reducing oxidative stress.
Apples have many benefits not only for health but also for beautiful skin and healthy hair. Know below how apple can be beneficial for your body.
In the next part, know the benefits and qualities of apple for health.
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Benefits of Apple for Health

1. Help lose weight
Apples are rich in polyphenols, dietary fibre, carotenoids (a type of anti-oxidant) and many nutrients. The polyphenols present in it act like anti-obese properties in the body. These reduce free radicals and obesity-enhancing tissue from the body, which can help you lose weight.
2. Cancer
Research has found that the benefits of eating apples have also been seen in fighting cancer. The properties of apple can save you from not one, but many types of cancer.
These include esophagus, colon and breast cancers along with prostate, lung and ovary cancers. Its anti-oxidant properties reduce free radicals and prevent cancer cells from growing and increase the detoxifying enzyme in the body.
3. Diabetes
According to a scientific study, consumption of apples such as whole fruit (whole fruit) can reduce the risk of diabetes. The fibre present in it reduces bad cholesterol and may help reduce diabetes by increasing good cholesterol.
4. For Gaul Blader Stone
Gaul bladder stones are usually formed as small hard particles due to excess deposition of cholesterol and bilirubin in the bladder. This problem occurs more to those who are overweight. In such cases, a diet rich in fiber, such as eating apples, can help you lose weight, which can give relief from Gaul Bladder Stone.
5. Immunity
The benefits and properties of apple can be helpful for your immunity. It has antioxidant properties, which protect your body from the side effects of oxidative stress.
In addition, it has anti-proliferative properties, which act as an adjunct to immunity by protecting cells from damage. In addition, apples have phytochemicals that can regulate the immune response.
6. whitening teeth
You will know about the apple for health, but do you know that the properties of apple can also help in whitening your teeth. Apples contain malic acid, which can naturally whiten teeth.
7. Cholesterol
Consuming apples can help you reduce cholesterol. Its cholesterol-lowering effects increase good cholesterol (HDL) by lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, it also protects you from heart disease caused by increased cholesterol level.
8. Asthma
If you are suffering from asthma, you can get benefits of eating apple. Apples are rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids have been considered beneficial in relieving asthma. Flavonoids have antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory properties and also improve disease resistance. Also, it has anti-asthmatic properties, which can help you breathe better by reducing the risk of asthma.
9. Alzheimer's
Oxidative stress can cause neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. At the same time, you must have understood by the knowledge of apple that it is full of anti-oxidant properties. In such a situation, consuming fruits with anti-oxidant properties can prove helpful in protecting you from these diseases. Apple juice reduces oxidative stress and can protect you from Alzheimer’s.
10. For the bowels
Foods that are rich in fiber are considered good for the intestines. It is advisable to consume fiber for many bowel problems. Lack of dietary fiber in the body is believed to cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome, intestinal problems such as abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea.
As we have told you in apple information that apple is rich in dietary fiber, then the benefits of eating apples can work.
11. For Liver
Talking about the benefits of eating apple, it helps to keep your liver healthy by removing toxins from the body. The anti-oxidant properties of apples increase the flow of detoxifying enzymes in the body. This is the reason why it is advisable to wake up in the morning and eat an apple. This helps cleanse your liver.
12. Improve digestion power
Apples are considered a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber induces bile juice (digestive juice), which improves digestion power. In this case, it can be said that the properties of apples can help you digest food.
13. For blood circulation
Plenty of iron is found in apples. At the same time, iron is considered to be an essential mineral for blood. It makes haemoglobin in the body. Haemoglobin is a protein present in red blood cells, which serves to transport oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. We can say that this process works to promote better blood circulation.
However, further research is needed on how effective apple is for direct blood circulation. The benefits of eating apples are also that being rich in iron, it can also protect you from anemia.
14. For Bones
Calcium and phosphorus are two very important nutrients for bones. These two elements play an important role in making bones. Osteoporosis can be cured by supplying both these nutrients. Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, causing bones to break easily. In such a situation, eating apple can be beneficial because it is rich in calcium and phosphorus.
15. Increase eyesight
Sometimes people do not see properly in low light. It can be caused by vitamin-A deficiency. Research has shown that vitamin-A deficiency can lead to nictlopia (night blindness). To avoid this, you can consume apples. It is rich in Vitamin-A and can help increase your eyesight (especially at night).
16. For dark circles
You can also get the benefits of eating apple to remove dark circles under the eyes. Apple is rich in Vitamin-A. Research has shown that vitamin A helps to increase collagen (the protein that binds the skin tissue) in the skin and melanin (a type of amino acid, which gives color to the skin, hair and eyes). Reduces volume. As a result, vitamin-A may help reduce dark circles.
17. Source of Vitamin-C
Vitamin-C has many benefits for the body. It helps in healing wounds, keeps teeth and bones strong and helps iron to be absorbed in the body. In addition, it is full of antioxidants, which protects the body from the side effects of free radicals. Vitamin-C can also protect you from the risk of signs of ageing, heart disease, arthritis and cancer by avoiding free radicals.
Appropriate vitamin-C is found in apples. In such a situation, you can also get the benefits of vitamin C from the benefits of eating apples.
Benefits of Apple for Skin

You knew the benefits of apple for health, but did you know that the properties of apple are beneficial for your skin as well. Read further Apple information for skin:
1. Clear the color
Tanning (darkening of skin color) due to sunlight and pollution and reduced whitening are common. The sun’s harmful rays cause tanning and pollution increases oxidative stress on the skin. To avoid this, you can have the benefits of eating apples.
It contains vitamin C, which acts as an anti-oxidant. It can help in clearing the complexion of the face by reducing the effect of tanning by protecting the skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
A large or medium-sized apple
How to use:
You can consume a large or medium-sized apple every day to take advantage of the vitamin C present in the apple.
2. Anti-ageing properties
The signs of aging on the skin can be seen not only due to age but also due to other reasons. These causes include harmful effects of UV rays, pollution, smoking, nutritional deficiencies and lack of sleep.
Here apple information can be beneficial for you. Many vitamins are found in apples that act like anti-aging properties, such as vitamins A, C and E. These are all anti-oxidant elements that prevent signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.
A medium-sized apple
How to use:
Cut a medium-sized apple into a grinder with a little water and make a paste.
Then apply this paste on the face for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
3. Protect against UV rays
Ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation) from the sun is harmful to your skin. Because of this, the signs of aging appear on the face at a young age.
Additionally, it causes the skin to darken, increases the risk of skin cancer and the oxidative stress caused by it also damages healthy cells. In such a situation the benefits and qualities of apple can help you. As mentioned in apple information, we have said that it is a good source of vitamin-C and vitamin-E.
Both of these vitamins are considered effective anti-oxidants, which can prove to be very beneficial in reducing oxidative stress and protecting you from the side effects of UV rays.
One teaspoon glycerin
A small apple paste
How to use:
Mix both the ingredients well and apply it on the face for 15 minutes and wash it with cold water.
4. To remove pimples and facial scars
Vitamin C present in apple can be helpful in getting rid of acne and facial scars. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces pimples and pimples. In addition, vitamin-C has also been considered beneficial in wound healing.
One fourth apple paste
Two tablespoons cream
How to use:
Mix both ingredients well and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Then wash face with cold water.
5. For Skin Cancer
As we have already said that the harmful UV rays of the sun damage the healthy cells of the skin. Sometimes this damage is so much that it can lead to skin cancer. This may be due to oxidative stress caused by UV rays. The benefits and properties of apple can protect you from the risk of skin cancer.
It also contains vitamin-C and vitamin-E, which, being anti-oxidant, protect the skin from the side effects of oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of skin cancer.
A large or medium-sized apple
How to use:
To take advantage of the anti-oxidant present in apples, you can consume a large or medium-sized apple everyday.
Benefits of Apple for Hair

By the knowledge of apple, by now you must have known that many nutrients are found in it. These nutrients can also prove beneficial for your hair. Know below the benefits of eating apple for hair.
1. Help hair grow
Like the body and skin, hair also needs nutrients to grow, such as vitamin-A, vitamin-E, vitamin-C, zinc and iron etc. All these nutrients are found in apples, due to which we can say that the properties of apples can help your hair to grow.
A large or medium sized apple
How to use:
You can consume a large or medium-sized apple everyday to take advantage of the nutrients present in the apple for hair.
2. Prevent Hair Loss:
There can be many reasons for hair loss and nutritional deficiency is also one of them. As we have said that apple has many nutritious properties, which can be beneficial for hair, such as vitamin-E, vitamin-C, zinc and iron, etc. These properties can provide nourishment to your hair as well as prevent hair loss problem.
A large or medium-sized apple
How to use:
You can consume a large or medium-sized apple every day to take advantage of the nutrients present in the apple for hair.
3. For Dandruff
Dandruff is such a problem that anyone can have it anytime. It may be due to lack of nutritional availability in the body, pollution, change in weather and infection etc. In such a situation, You can use apple to get relief from dandruff.
Research has shown that apples have anti-fungal and anti-dandruff properties, which eliminate infection-causing fungus in your scalp and relieve you from dandruff. These properties are especially found in apple peel.
A large or medium-sized apple
How to use:
Grind an apple in an unbleached blender.
Apply apple pulp on your scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
Finally shampoo.
After explaining the benefits and properties of apple for health, skin and hair,
let us tell you about all the nutritional elements present in the apple.
Apple Nutritional Value

How to choose apple and keep it safe for long time?
Let us now tell you in the information of apple how to choose it and how to keep it safe for a long time.
How to choose:
Apples are available in many ways in the market. Some are bright red, some light red, some reddish-yellow and some green.
Mostly, bright red apples are considered the most ripe and succulent, but keep in mind that bright red and shiny apples may have a wax coating. In this case, keep in mind that you do not buy an apple with wax coating.
When buying any type of apple, make sure that there are no spots on it. Pay attention to her color as well as her scent. Keep in mind that its fragrance is fresh. While buying apples, keep in mind that you should avoid consuming fruity fruits and choose hard fruits.
How to store:
Apple is considered a winter fruit. They are available throughout the year due to cold storage. It is advisable to keep the apple at room temperature, not keeping it in the fridge. Keeping them in the fridge may drain their moisture.
While storing apples, take care not to place them in a moist place. This can cause them to melt. If stored properly, they can be stored for about five to six days.
Keep in mind that if one apple gets spoiled, throw it away. It can also spoil other apples.
In this part of the article, we will talk about the use of apples.
Use of Apple - How to Use Apple

In this section of the article you will learn how to eat apples, how much should be eaten and when should be eaten.
How to eat:
You can also eat apple directly or by cutting it. You can also apply a little black salt on it for taste.
Apples can be eaten as a fruit salad with other fruits. If desired, you can add a little bit of chaat masala to it.
- You can drink and drink apple juice.
- You can also consume apple by making smoothies. You can also add milk and honey in it.
- You can also use apple to make apple pie, cake, fruit custard, donut and apple french toast.
How much to eat:
Apples contain 52 calories per 100 grams, so you can eat a big or medium size apple in a day.
When to eat:
To reap the benefits of eating apple, it is recommended to consume it in breakfast. You can also eat it in the evening with snacks.
Along with the advantages of any material, it is also important to know its disadvantages. So after knowing the advantages and qualities of apple, you tell the disadvantages of apple.
Disadvantages of Apple - Side Effects of Apple
Consuming apples is safe, but you may have to face the loss of apples by eating in large amounts.
Many people may also be allergic to some fruit pollen, which in medical terms is called pollen allergy. Many people are allergic to excessive consumption of apple, some of which can be symptoms like this:
- Swollen lips
- Tongue swelling
- Sore throat
- Hay fever (a type of allergy that causes watery eyes and nose and itching
- Oral allergy syndrome
- Anaphylaxis – swelling on face
Below are some more symptoms of pollen allergy. These symptoms start
- appearing after two hours of eating the fruit, which can be something like this
- Shortness of breath
- Swelling around the eyes, face, tongue and lips
- Itching in the mouth, throat, face and other body parts
- Dizziness or fainting
- Nose watering or nasal congestion
- Stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
- Low blood pressure, stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you feel the loss of apples, contact your doctor immediately and take the necessary treatment.
In conclusion, the conclusion of this article is that while on one hand the properties of apples are beneficial for you, on the other hand you may have to suffer apples losses if not used in a controlled manner.
We hope that you have understood the benefits and disadvantages of apple well and have made up your mind to include this virtuous fruit in your daily diet. If you have a pollen allergy to any fruit, avoid consuming apple. Apart from this, if you have any other question related to this article, then you can ask us by writing in the comment box below.
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