10 Unusual Ways To Lose Weight Fast - Complete Guide, 100% Works
Unusual habits to lose weight without diet or exercise
The struggle is real when you’re trying to lose weight. Doing the thing which fell boring and day after day repeating the same boring workout and on top of that healthy low carbs diet out there simply aren’t giving you the results you’re looking for well
Then, it looks like it’s time to add some alternative methods to lose the extra pounds and no matter if you have to do some weird thing.
Once and for all what do I mean by weird how about smelling apples before meals or changing the colour of your plates.
Hey! this stuff has been tested and proven to work, So if you’re interested in getting to know some unconventional weight loss tips, then just keep on reading.
All right, now let’s kick this list off starting
10 Weird Ways To Loss Weight Fast
1. Water-drinking schedule

At number one, make a water-drinking schedule. I know you’ve heard it time and time again, but there really is a reason why people always tell you to drink more water.
Upping your water intake is one of the cheapest yet most effective ways to shed unwanted pounds water helps you burn more calories and reduces your appetite. The hardest part is remembering to give your body regular doses of the h2o.
It desperately needs but do not worry we’ve got you covered on how to make that easier
- Here’s a sample water intake regimen that you can add to your daily routine.
- Drink two glasses of water with lemon in the morning to wake your body up hydrate
- Your empty stomach and boost metabolism have one glass before lunch at around 11 a.m.
So you don’t overeat after lunch drink two glasses because this will help with digestion at four pm.
Drink again to hold yourself over between lunch and dinner the main fundamental points here is, you absolutely need to hydrate your body at dinner time or after to help the food move easily and make your stomach feel later.
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2. Small, Green Apples or Bananas

Number 2 smell green apples or bananas before your meals yep
you don’t have to eat it just smell it whether you find this totally hilarious or do not like smelling foods like bananas or apples before mealtime that ok!
But the benefit is, it will ease your hunger and Making you eat less then you would have otherwise
This technique is scientifically proven by the Research Foundation in Chicago
In the Research Overweight volunteers, who he instructed to sniff bananas green apples and peppermint whenever they felt hungry and they continue with this for six months and some of the volunteers lost 80 pounds, so now I would like to ask do you like apple.
3. Light A Vanilla Candle Before Dinner

Number three-light a vanilla candle before dinner
One study on vanilla scents
This might sound absurd considering how much vanilla goes into different cakes muffins and puddings, but one research on vanilla scents found that it’s work wonders when you’re trying to lose weight
It activates different chemical reactions in the brain making you feel less hungry and it can specifically help you tone down your sweet cravings according to ICU dietitian Katherine Collins who led the study
If you want to give it a try to buy some vanilla patches or light a vanilla candle just half an hour before or during dinner time and add an extra bonus it will give you a nice smelling atmosphere and definitely, you will enjoy your meal

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4. Take Pictures Of Your Dishes

Number four take pictures of your dishes
Now you have one more reason and a valid one to upload your latest food conquest online. Just like so many people do on social media but how can a simple picture bring the number on the scale down for you well
when you’re trying to get the best shot to share on your social networking page or account you can’t help, But this time you will notice the details of your foods and this is so perfect
Since it might make you stop for a second and make you rethink what you are about to eat, if you have got a bunch of pictures on your page of pizza slices and hamburgers dripping and globs of grease or anything else
Over the top, you just might be swayed to change your ways and start picking healthier options
5. Buy Some Blue Plates

Number five, buy some blue plates if you surround yourself with the colour blue like putting up blue wallpaper or eating from blue plates. You’ll lose weight much faster
A study found that the colour blue is an appetite suppressant which means it’ll help you feel less hungry as for what colours you should avoid definitely red yellow and orange, which you might have noticed are the go-to go colour for fast-food chains
Well that’s because they stimulate your appetite and make you eat more try using smaller plates – you know how we’ve all been programmed from childhood to clean our plates, well you can totally do that and eat less if you use a smaller plate
It’s like tricking your own brain
6. Eggs For Breakfast And Spicy Foods

Number 6 eat eggs for breakfast and spicy foods for lunch.
It has been proven that time after time, having eggs for breakfast helps to achieve weight loss, not only the eggs low in calories, but they are also really filling and hold you off for a long time that means you won’t feel tempted to snack in between meals
They are full of vitamins A D E and B12, As well as protein zinc and iron that’s why experts consider the egg superfood and if you can find that little trick with eating something with chilli or red pepper for lunch, not all the time though. It’ll speed up your metabolism helping you achieve your dream body faster
Spicy foods or the ingredients used to make them contain capsaicin which helps suppress hunger and increase a shooting but if you don’t like spicy foods then settling on eggs will do just fine
7. Think Of Some Challenges

Number 7 think of some challenges that will motivate you more
let’s be honest exercising and being careful of what you eat is a lot of work and it can be downright tedious
Well all you got to do is tweak your workout routine or diet plan by adding some quirky challenges to make them more fun try doing 10 push-ups for every potato in your dinner or run up and down the steps 5 times for each time you enjoy a candy
if you make it fun you won’t even notice that you’re burning calories
8. Sleep In A Cold Room

Number eight sleep in a cold room yes
You can lose weight by sleeping and it’s actually pretty easy the trick here is that if your body is surrounded by cold it produces more heat to warm you up which helps you burn calories
It’s as simple as that just take it from the United States National Institutes of Health according to their research, sleeping in a cold room can activate and increase the body’s brown fat which in turn speeds up metabolism level up
This cool challenge by covering yourself with a thinner blanket or sleeping naked meringue on the smaller pant size
9. Chew Slowly And Thoroughly (Food)

Number nine chew slowly and thoroughly, it’s natural to wolf down a meal because of a hectic schedule especially on work or school days yet, It is been proven that if you take a longer time to eat it will help you to lose weight
This is based on studies from the Department of Health Care Administration and Management at Kyushu University’s Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
It’s all due to the fact that chewing slowly and thoroughly gives your stomach enough time to tell the brain that it’s full that in turn makes you eat last ideally
It should take you around 20 minutes to finish a meal savour and enjoy your food and get the most out of each bite
10. Drink A Glass Of Wine Daily

Number 10 drink a glass of wine daily
Yes! You Heard it right,
That’s right folks, this is based on a joint study conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health. They found out that a glass of wine a day can help you lose weight faster just don’t overdo it
Since, the same study found that people who drank more than two glasses of wine daily struggled more when dieting versus those who didn’t drink at all or had just one or two glasses
So if you’re of our age cheers to a slimmer waistline
Do you know of any other weight loss tricks that people can incorporate into their daily habits, If you do then please do lets us know through our contact form
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