6 Best Running Workout Tips To Strength Your Training And Hip Muscle
Powerful Training Moves For Your Workout!
We all know how important it is to incorporate strength training into our running schedules, but how many of us actually, does it? All we want to do is running and best strength training workout, right? But the truth is, adding a few targeted workouts to areas of the body that we might be neglecting can make all the difference to our running and doing proper running workout can strengthen your training.
Best Running Workout For Beginners
The workouts, we’ve collated here will work your core, arms and hips – all areas of the body that runners can often overlook, but are in fact essential in maintaining and improving your stamina and speed while running.
Completing each set of this workout will only take 10 minutes, which is a perfect warm-up before you head out for an actual workout.
And repeating those running workout just a couple of times a week will start paying dividends sooner than you might think. Stronger arms, core and hips will not only help you run further and faster, but they will also help prevent those niggling running injuries too.
What are you waiting for? Get out there and start running!
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Workout For Boosting your hip strength
So complete, these six simple running workouts to build hip strength and improve your running with greater efficiency and better technique.
Strong hip muscles stabilize your pelvis during the running stride, making it more efficient and reducing the risk of injuries in your back, hips and knees.
We spend more and more time sitting, at work, in the car and at home, which can lead to an imbalance in the muscles supporting our hips. There are a large number of muscles around your hip.
The workout here will help you to increase the strength in the key muscles as well as improve flexibility, running, strength and balance. Improving your balance that increases the efficiency of your running stride and helps to stop you from falling over should you trip.
It’s important to warm up before every workout to prevent injury. Run-on the spot for one minute. Sit down on a chair and stand up 10 times.
Sets & repetitions
This running workout is devised to help strengthen your hips and build on your balance. Perform two sets of 15-20 reps for each workout, and aim to do the workout at least twice a week for the best results.
Be sure to stretch your glutes and thighs after your workout. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds
Strength Your Training With Best 6 Workout Tips
1. Resistance band adduction Workout

Areas trained Inner thighs (abductors)
Why do it?
The muscles which you have in your inner thighs support your balance. If you struggle with lower back pain while you are running you might have weakness or tightness through your inner thighs, so doing proper strength training workout will help you boost your strength.
- Tie a resistance band around a secure object
- Place your left leg inside the loop
- Step away to add tension on the resistance band
- Keep all your body weight on your right leg
- Slowly move your leg away from your body
- Use your inner thighs and pull your left leg back in until it touches the right leg
Ensure you keep all your body weight on your standing leg to make the workout more effective.
2. Resistance band abduction Strength Exercise

Areas trained Outer thighs (abductors)
Why do it?
The muscles in your outer thigh keep your thigh bone in the correct alignment. Strengthen these muscles to prevent knee and hip pain by band abduction workout.
- Tie a resistance band around a secure object
- Place your left leg inside the resistance band loop
- Move your left leg sideways away from your body, against the resistance band
- Slowly return your leg to the starting position
- Complete one set before changing over to the other side be safe
- Keep your body upright with all your weight on your standing leg.
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3. Resistance band hip flexion Strength Workout

Areas trained Hip flexors (psoas muscles)
Why do it?
Develop a love for the uphill running workout by strengthening your hip flexors.
- Tie a resistance band around a secure object
- Place your left leg inside the resistance band loop
- Keep all your body weight on your right leg
- Lift your left leg up to a right angle
- Slowly lower with control
Engage your core muscles by pulling your belly button into your spine. This will help you to improve your balance.
4. Kneeling glute lift s and side leg lift exercise

Areas trained Bottom (glutes)
Why do it?
The hip complex is made up of different muscle groups. By training the muscles in different directions you increase the strength, enabling you to cope better on hilly or uneven terrain.
- Kneel on all fours on the floor
- Lift your left knee off the floor
- Push your left heel up until you form a straight line between your shoulders, hips and knees
- Lower with control
- Lift your left leg sideways
- Aim for hip height but work within your body’s range of motion
- Slowly lower with control
- Complete one set with the left leg before changing over to the right be safe
Ensure you keep your spine straight by pulling your belly button in towards your spine
5. Weighted side lunge to balance

Strength and balance
Areas trained Inner thighs, outer thighs (adductors, abductors)
Why do it?
The better your lateral stability and balance are, the better your body will cope with keeping your balance in case of a trip or stumble while doing this workout.
- Stand on your right leg and hold a weight in your right hand
- Lift your left leg off the floor
- Step sideways with your left leg
- Bend your left knee and keep your right leg straight
- Lower the weight to your left foot
- Push yourself back into a balancing position
- Complete one set before changing over to the other side
Ensure you keep your back straight and look forward.
6. Stability ball reverse bridge

Areas trained Bottom (glutes)
Why do it?
If the muscles in your glutes are strong you will have a significantly lower injury rate. But if it’s not, then this exercise would be great to build strength in your glutes muscles
- Lie with your head and shoulders on a stability ball
- Keep your feet close together
- Cross your hands on your chest
- Lower your hips towards the floor
- Lift your hips up until you form a straight line between your shoulders, hips and knees and do safely
- Place your elbows on the ball if you struggle with balance.
Go Pro!
Depending on your fitness and the level you might want to make, the workout harder. On the exercises where you use resistance bands, either increase the resistance by using a stronger band or double up your band to increase the intensity. To increase the intensity with the strength and balancing exercises, simply increase the weight used and all these workouts will help you to build strength in your running.